Credit Repair Agent – Best Credit Repair ASAP – Credit Score 0 – 850

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credit repair agent helps consumers deal with their bad credit score and advises them on ways to improve it. Your credit score can drop because you either have poor credit habits such as missing or delaying payments or because of errors on your credit report. Many people don’t have the required knowledge and or time to find out what they’re doing wrong credit wise. They don’t know how to identify errors and file disputes for a correction on their credit report and this is why you need a knowledgeable credit repair agent.

Negative Ingormation About Credit Repair Agents & Companies

If you have done any on-line research regarding credit repair companies, chances are you have come across some negative information about credit repair services. You may have read things like: Don’t pay a credit repair agent for things you can do yourself for free or paying a credit repair agent is a scam, don’t let a credit repair agent take your money or beware of credit repair services, their practices are illegal. Unfortunately, credit repair companies have been a target for consumer watchdog groups, the government, media and other industries that compete with credit repair services.

Consumer watchdogs, like the Federal Trade Commission are supposed to look out for consumers by warning them of potential scams. Credit repair services are on the FTC scam list. Why? One reason is because there have been highly publicized lawsuits regarding some credit repair companies that engaged in illegal methods, failed to keep promises, and/or violated credit repair policies. These lawsuits involved only a few credit repair companies but the FTC has decided that all companies that offer credit repair services are guilty of the same accusations. Aren’t there scams in just about every industry? Thousands of homeowners have been taken by credit repair companies who collect a hefty up-front payment and either walk away from an unfinished job or never show up to start it.

Ignorance & Personal Agenda Against Credit Repair Companies

Why isn’t the FTC calling all credit repair companies liars and frauds? That would be an unfair generalization, right? Then why does there continue to be such biased criticism toward the credit repair services and the credit repair agent? The answer is either plain ignorance or personal agenda. For the case of ignorance; it is increasingly more common for people to ignorantly spout off about issues on which they have limited information.

Misinformation and half-truths are widely circulated on the Web, either intentionally or not, appearing to be legitimate. As for personal agenda, there are many powerful entities, like credit bureaus and creditors, who detest the credit repair agent and credit repair services. Investigating disputes and correcting errors takes time and money away from the credit bureaus and creditors, it also makes them look fallible (despite what the credit bureaus want you to believe, they make millions off of mistakes – at your expense). Time and again creditors and lenders have to change the status of a listing because they cannot prove its validity making them lose credibility. Of course the credit bureaus and creditors are going to discredit and attack those who make them work, especially the credit repair agent.

Credit Repair Specialists: Unfairly Labeled as a Scam?

Powerful Lucurative Companies and The Media

And, we all know, that powerful lucrative companies tend to have political and media sway. They are able to hire lobbyists who push their agenda. It doesn’t take a genius to see why the government is also on the bandwagon against the credit repair agent and credit repair companies, money talks. And what stories get the media attention? Most of the time, the ones that people with money and influence want to get the attention. Be prudent about what you read. Make informed decisions and realize there are always two sides to the story.

Credit Repair Agent to Boost Credit Score Overnight

If you’re in need of credit repair don’t expect overnight results, credit repair takes time. Repairing bad credit is a process that requires time, patience and perseverance, so you must be committed to see it through. Credit repair isn’t just removing negative information, but building credit and keeping low balances play a large role in reaching excellent credit. The length of time that credit repair takes, can vary depending upon the individual and the information within their credit report.

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The same way it took time to build poor credit, It takes time to rebuild a bad credit history. Your credit score considers your most recent credit history more significantly than older items. A good credit history typically has a minimal number of negative entries and lots of recent positive credit information. A few months of on-time payments is a step in the right direction, but it won’t give you excellent credit right away. As time passes and the negative information falls off or gets older, and you replace it with positive information, you’ll see your credit gradually improve. Credit is broken down and destroyed over time, so don’t expect to restore and build it overnight.

Repair Your Own Credit or Hire a Credit Repair Agent

In today’s economy, having a few blemishes on your credit history is pretty common. People have lost their jobs, lost their homes, had cars repossessed, and so on. So, of course there are negative remarks added to their credit history as a consequence of not paying their obligations as agreed.

Some information is accurate and some are just mistakes that need to be addressed. These negative remarks or ‘blemishes’ then make it more difficult for that consumer to obtain new credit and even a new job. So, when a lender or employer looks at the credit history of the applicant, they see a very one-sided story which makes the applicant look either dishonest or irresponsible. And what is the result? The applicant is rejected. The loan is denied or the job is given to someone else. This creates the need to repair the damaged credit. If you’ve googled “credit repair agent” the results you see returned are a few multimillion dollar credit repair companies, or, you see allot of “Do it yourself credit repair” articles, books, and software kits and some anti-credit repair propaganda. So you are given a choice to either hire a credit repair agent, do it yourself, or just live with it.

So which of these should you do? The answer really depends on your personal skill levels, how much time you have, and how much it costs. On one hand, the do it yourself authors will typically downplay the value of a credit repair agent claiming a credit repair agent will charge to much or are scams or whatever. They make credit repair sound really simple, and all you need to do is buy their book or software to learn how to do it yourself instead of hiring a professional credit repair agent. Yeah, how convenient, don’t hire a credit repair agent, instead buy my book! That’s oddly self serving isn’t it? On the other hand, credit repair companies will typically make their services sound so complex and intimidating that there is NO WAY you could do it yourself and you’re saying to yourself, oh come on, no it’s not that difficult! Wrong…the reality is, that it is. It requires a lot of time, some skill and know how, but it’s not rocket science.

Then are also big banks who spew huge amounts of anti-credit repair agent propaganda and do not want you to hire a credit repair agent to repair your credit. And why do they do that? Because, if you have no negative comments on your credit history, then they have to give you the best interest rates and the best deals.

Avoid Seeking Help From an Unqualified Credit Repair Agent

Not everyone who claims they are a credit repair agent is a position to help you repair your credit. Be wise when consulting a credit repair agent or individual for credit repair, everyone is not capable of helping you. Think about this, if credit repair was easy, everybody would have great credit. It is highly suggested that you steer clear of multi level marketing credit repair companies. If someone is offering you credit repair and their main focus is soliciting you to become a credit repair agent, that should be a red flag. Before you take advice from a credit repair agent or a friend offering you help, do your own research. If you decide to seek help from a professional credit repair agent, check them out and trust your gut, If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it!

Getting Help From a Professional Credit Repair Agent

Help fix credit scoreIncrease credit score! Building a good credit score takes time and if you don’t have the time to do it yourself its best to work with a professional credit repair agent to get credit repair asap! You need the help of an established credit repair agent and we advise you to verify the authenticity of a credit repair agent before you trust them with your personal information as there are a number of unethical agencies that intend to scam customers.

It’s important to remember that a credit repair agent cannot remove or edit the information in your credit report but they can help you build and improve your credit score over time. It important to remember that if your’re trying to increase your credit score you must improve your credit habits as well.

Let Us Help!

If you need a credit repair agent to help you improve your credit score, We Know Credit Repair is the absolute best credit repair company and we would be happy to help you get started with improving your credit.

credit repair agent, credit repair asap, credit score
